How to Work from Home Effectively?

Naz Delam
2 min readFeb 13, 2020


The study

Nicholas Bloom and graduate student James Liang, who is also a co-founder of the Chinese travel website Ctrip, gave the staff at Ctrip’s call center the opportunity to volunteer to work from home for nine months. Half the volunteers were allowed to telecommute; the rest remained in the office as a control group. Survey responses and performance data collected at the conclusion of the study revealed that, in comparison with the employees who came into the office, the at-home workers were not only happier and less likely to quit but also more productive.

How often do you WFH (Work from Home)? 🏡

Here I shared some tips to increase your productivity next time you were WFH.

🎯 Make a priority list for your tasks

At the end of each day I usually put together a list of tasks I need to do tomorrow in priority, so the next day I know exactly how to navigate my day.

📆 Maintain a regular schedule

Try to maintain your regular working schedule when you WFH. If your schedule changes communicate your schedule to your team.

🥗☕️ Take regular breaks and set specific lunchtime

It is important to take regular breaks when you are at home. I love to go for a walk and smell some air or get coffee. Don’t burn yourself out all day this will impact your productivity negatively.

🏡 Let others know you WFH by setting status on communication channels

If you are using Slack, Teams or any other communication channels it is great to set your status to WFH so anyone reaching you out knows you are not in the office. Also set a time block for the day on your calendar as WFH, to inform team members who need to meet with you.

💻 Proactively get back to team members who need something from you

Stay proactive and get back to others in time. Make sure you have notifications on for you Slack or other communications apps and be aware of messages mentioning you or any other issues happening in your team.

🎥 Call into meetings, be present and ask questions

Don’t skip meetings when you WFH. Always call into meetings and be present. Try to comment and ask questions. This shows that you are paying attention.

Don’t work over hours just because you’re WFH

If you WFH have an end-of-the-day ritual. 30 mins before the end of the workday, wrap your tasks and set your mind to your life events.

Hope you find these tips helpful,

Share more of your WFH tips in comments.

